Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Google Map GPS Cell Phone Tracker 2.0

Google Map GPS Cell Phone Tracker 2.0 Free Download

Google Map GPS Cell Phone Tracker 2.0 Free Download

This is a major change to the application incorporating all the suggestions that have been made about version 1. The biggest changes in the software is the ability to store routes, view and delete them.On the phone. If you are an owner of a website, you can use for more than hosting webpages or images. You can use it to track your GPS-enabled cell phone on Google Maps. You simply need to download Google Map GPS Cell Phone Tracker and to follow the instructions from the package. In order to be able to track your phone, you need to correctly configure each of the three stages of this project. First of all, the website configuration: you need to decide whether you want to use the PHP or the .NET edition. Then, create a dedicated folder within the location of your website called GPSTracker, copy the corresponding files from the downloaded package (PHP or .NET), open the IIS console and make a new virtual directory that points towards the previously created GPSTracker directory (note that ‘Read and Run Scripts’ needs to be enabled). You need to obtain the Google API for your website, then replace its default key with your custom one, otherwise it does not work. Next, you need to add a new file type to be supported within IIS console, namely *.jad so that it can connect to the phone app. Secondly, you need to set up the database: the simplest and fastest way to create a compatible database is to create an empty entry within MSSQL Server 2005 called, GPSTracker, then set it to restore the GPSTracker.bak found in the Google Map GPS Cell Phone Tracker package. It needs to be able to overwrite the existing database, so make sure the proper function is activated. The third step is the one dealing with preparing your phone for being tracked. The device needs to be GPS-enabled and to have a data plan so as to be able to connect to the previously configured website. Simply navigate to your website from the phone to download the application, then specify the phone number you want to use (unless you want to uniquely identify routes, you can use any string, even your name). Even if it may seem difficult to set up, Google Map GPS Cell Phone Tracker makes it worthwhile in the end. Additional details and explanations are provided in the documentation files.

Google Map GPS Cell Phone Tracker 2.0 Free Download

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Google Map GPS Cell Phone Tracker 2.0

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